Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Here's to 2009

email me @: Colin@PhoenixPowerSearch.com

As I'm sure most everyone is aware, 'tis the season for setting goals and New Year's Resolutions! Just a wild guess, most of your goals or resolutions involve some aspect of getting physically into shape, am I correct? What about other parts of your life? Your personal finances? School? Knowledge?

I would have to say with the current condition of the economy, the best use of your time and money would be to BUY SOMETHING (an appreciating asset) and EDUCATE YOURSELF.

There is one thing the wealthiest individuals of the world know that the average person does not seem to realize, ever. In a down market, buy something, like a home! Although the media is doing everything they can to emphasize the negative, pushing the myth that we are in an abyss of falling home prices, the wealthy always know that the market WILL come back. Ask yourself, "In 2005, did I think home prices would increase forever?" It is the same principle, only on the other end of the spectrum nowadays. The market WILL come back, and there is no predicting exactly when. If you have the opportunity to invest in real estate, take it.

And my second point, education. By educating yourself, you increase your ability to compete in the job market, making you more desirable, and gives you a leveraging point for higher wages when the economy comes back around. Whatever your current job, there is one thing I was taught as a young boy; the SMARTEST investment you can make is an investment in yourself. This is to accompany the countless other sayings about knowledge from epic figures throughout history.

With a new President comes new hope for many. I leave you with a line of encouragement for 2009 and beyond, whether it be for your personal life or your professional life. From President Obama's inaugural address:

Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America - they will be met."

To read the full inaugural address, visit:


ALSO, don't forget to visit my websites for any interest in Real Estate here in Arizona...be sure to mention my name in the comments section when you sign up!



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